Drupal 7 button creation instead of input='submit'

Drupal 7 doesn't allow us to override the theme_button(&$variables) function even if you use hook_theme_registry_alter(). A kinda ugly method was found but doesn't fall to far from standards.

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Drupal 7 Rules Guide

A short list of tricks to work with different parts of Rules. I'll continue adding to this guide as I learn. RulesAnd Object Ubercart tax rules are configured to use the RulesAnd (rules_and function) which changes how you retrieve getElementName() and settings(). Their file uc_taxes.rules_defaults.inc is responsible for creating a settings page where you can add conditions to a new tax rate.  Here's the code:

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Drupal 7 Creating New Actions for Rules

Code dump for my personal reference. I'll build on this topic as I continue to learn.

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